Other Types of Operators

  • JavaScript has a few additional operators that can be convinient, and are worth mentioning. You likely would not use these as frequently as the other operators already discussed.

1. Type Of : The type of operator returns the data type of a specified variable, object, function, etc.

  • Operator: typeof
  • Examples:

    let car = "Honda";
    typeof car; //this line returns "string" because the value of car is a string
    let x, y;
    let equation = x + 5 / (6 * y) + 17;
    typeof equation; //this line returns "number" because the value returned from evaluating the equation is a number

2. Delete : The delete operator deletes a property from an object

  • Operator: delete

  • Examples:

    let pet = {name:"Macy", species:"Dog", age:5, attribute:"fluffy"};
    delete pet.age;   // removes the age property from the pet object
  • 3. In : The in operator checks to see if a specified property is in a specified object(objects are covered in the next lesson). If the object does contain the property, the operation returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

  • Operator: in

  • Examples:

    pet = {name:"Macy", species:"Dog", age:5, attribute:"fluffy"};
    "name" in pet;   // returns true because the pet object has a property called "name"
  • Exercise 2.6

    See the Pen Exercise 2.6 by LSU DDEM (@lsuddem) on CodePen.